Welcome to Jubilation Station, the ultimate mutant playground where each game packs as much power as you do!
While Xavier’s mansion is home to your studies, this is your spot to kick back, connect with fellow mutants, and enjoy a dose of gaming nostalgia. From retro consoles to classic arcade machines and tabletop adventures, this game room offers endless opportunities to challenge rivals and showcase your skills. Get ready for the ultimate mutant-powered gaming experience!
- Board Games
- Role Playing Games
- Retro Console Gaming
- Classic Arcade Games
- and more!
Arcade Games include:
- Konami’s X-Men Arcade
- X-Men: Children of the Atom
- X-Men Mutant Apocalypse
- X-Men vs. Street Fighter
- Marvel vs. Capcom
- Captain America and the Avengers
- The Punisher
- Darkstalkers
- Strider
- Ghosts ‘n Goblins
- Street Fighter II
- Terminator 2
- Mortal Kombat
- Mortal Kombat II
- Mortal Kombat 3 (MK3)
- Defender
- Joust
- Gauntlet
- Toobin’
- RootBeer Tapper
- Rampage
- Paperboy
- Bubbles
- Wizard of Wor
- Klax
Gaming Services are generously sponsored by 2D-Con