Meet Celebrities & Creators

Join us for an exclusive opportunity to meet the legends behind your favorite mutant characters and stories. 

At The Uncanny Experience, you’ll have the chance to meet your favorite celebrities and comic creators in person, with photo ops and autograph sessions throughout the event. As a VIP or Omega Level ticket holder, you’ll have exclusive access to the Celebrity Area, with a dedicated line for autographs and photos. And even if you’re not a VIP, you’ll still have plenty of opportunities to meet your favorite stars throughout the day, with some special guests located in the Vendor Hall for easy access.

Visit our Special Guests Page to see who is confirmed to appear at The Uncanny Experience.

Stay up to date with all the latest announcements and schedules by signing up for our email newsletter. Don’t miss out on the chance to connect with some of the most talented and exciting personalities in the mutant universe at The Uncanny Experience!

The Uncanny Experience and Giant-Size Productions are not endorsed, sanctioned or in any other way associated with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, or The Walt Disney Company.
The X-MEN, characters, names and related likenesses are trademarks and copyright of Marvel Entertainment.

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The Uncanny Experience and Giant-Size Productions are not endorsed, sanctioned or in any other way associated with Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, or The Walt Disney Company.
The X-MEN, characters, names and related likenesses are trademarks and copyright of Marvel Entertainment.

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The Uncanny Experience is owned and operated by Giant-Size Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Designed And Developed By Design Pros USA