A native of Saskatoon, Canada, Tyler briefly played semi-pro football, before wrestling worldwide professionally from 1986-1999 for the WCW and the UWF as “Big Sky,” with his tag team partner, Kevin Nash, and as the evil” Nitron.”
His acting breakout came in 2000, when he starred as Sabretooth in Marvel Studio’s X-MEN. Additional film credits include DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE, PLAYING WITH FIRE, TROY, JOE DIRT, THE SCORPION KING, Rob Zombie’s HALLOWEEN, where he starred as Michael Myers, and THE DEVIL’S REJECTS, to name a few. On the television front, his credits include HBO and Hallmark’s mini-series HERCULES, HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER, MONK, SON OF THE BEACH, PARTY OF FIVE, THE LIBRARIANS, MIDNIGHT, TEXAS, MY BOYS, and DOOM PATROL. He also appeared as Blackstar in Mark Millar’s NETFLIX series JUPITER’S LEGACY.
Mane’s production company, Mane Entertainment, has produced two feature films: COMPOUND FRACTURE and PENANCE LANE, and is in the final stages of completing a graphic novel, THE LAST SPARTAN: RED TAPE in 2023.